vimrc syntax on

The LFS book gives a basic vimrc file. Here, we attempt to enhance this file. At startup, vim reads /etc/vimrc and ~/.vimrc (i.e., ... This is correct, the syntax for vimrc is slightly unusual. We'll run through a quick explanation of what each of the

相關軟體 Vim 下載

Vim是一個功能強大的文書編輯器,它應用範圍非常廣泛,可由使用者設計成屬於自已獨特風格的編輯利器。它提供了 Unix, Windows, Mac, OS/2等多種作業系統的版本,讓您在不同的作業系統上保有您習慣的文字編輯工具。 multi level undo 復原且不限於前一個動作。 ...

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  • 2015年7月7日 - 此外,vim 是進階版的vi , vim 不但可以用不同顏色顯示文字內容,還能夠 ...... 因為vim 具有顏色顯示的功能,並且還支援許多的程式語法(...
    鳥哥的Linux 私房菜-- 第九章、vim 程式編輯器
  • When I try to open my .bashrc file. then it shows these lines: Errordetected while process...
    centos - Can't open syntax.vim error when using vimrc - ...
  • Create a .vimrc file with the following command: vi .vimrc; Click i for insert mode. Type ...
    Enabling vi syntax colors - Media Temple
  • The LFS book gives a basic vimrc file. Here, we attempt to enhance this file. At startup, ...
    etcvimrc, ~.vimrc - Linux From Scratch
  • At startup, vim reads /etc/vimrc and ~/.vimrc (i.e., the global vimrc and the user-specifi...
    etcvimrc, ~.vimrc - Linux From Scratch!
  • 2017年8月5日 - To use the desert colorscheme just add these lines to your vimrc file: colo d...
    How to set and use a vim color scheme |
  • I have a .vimrc that I have used for years. I upgraded the system and now vim-enhanced is ...
    syntax on and .vimrc files - Google Groups
  • How do I turn on or off color syntax highlighting in vi or vim text editor on a Linux or U...
    Turn On or Off Color Syntax Highlighting In vi or vim Editor ...
  • 2006年10月30日 - Describes how to turn on or off color syntax option under vi or vim text ed...
    Turn On or Off Color Syntax Highlighting In vi or vim Editor – nixCraft
  • Here is my .vimrc 1 syntax on 2 set ts=4 3 set number 4 set smartindent 5 set shiftwidth=4...
    vi - vim "syntax on" does not work - Stack ...
  • 2013年4月23日 - In some server configurations, if you do vi filename you get vim, but it&#39...
    vi - vim "syntax on" does not work - Stack Overflow
  • 2012年6月30日 - If your syntax highlighting doesn't work when you start Vim, you probabl...
    Vim Default Syntax Highlighting - Stack Overflow
  • Lexical highlighting might be a better name, but since everybody calls it syntax highlight...
    Vim documentation: syntax
  • Vim documentation: syntax main help file * syntax.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2...
    Vim documentation: syntax - SourceForge
  • vim syntax faq: How do I turn on (enable) or turn off (disable) vim syntax highlighting? T...
    vim editor: How do I enable and disable vim syntax highlight ...
  • 2017年8月8日 - vim syntax faq: How do I turn on (enable) or turn off (disable) vim syntax hi...
    vim editor: How do I enable and disable vim syntax highlighting ...
  • In this section we'll talk about the Vim syntax highlighting paradigm and how to set u...
    Vim Tutorial 4: Syntax Highlighting -
  • On searching how to set syntax highlighting on in vim, I found this page which says that v...
    vimrc - Why does 'set' syntax not work for syntax hi ...
  • 以往我使用 vim 的時機大概都是編輯設定檔,或是做些小修改,但最近因為某些原因,開始強迫自己用 vim 做正經事(儘管我不是很想),也因此在網路上找到不少人的 .vimrc。 v...
    我目前使用的 .vimrc 設定檔 – roga's blog
  • 2010年1月21日 - set encoding=utf-8. set fileencodings=utf-8,cp950. " 編輯喜好設定. syntax on ...
    我目前使用的.vimrc 設定檔– roga's blog
  • 2015年7月7日 - 此外,vim 是進階版的vi , vim 不但可以用不同顏色顯示文字內容,還能夠 ...... 因為vim 具有顏色顯示的功能,並且還支援許多的程式語法(...
    鳥哥的Linux 私房菜-- 第九章、vim 程式編輯器
  • When I try to open my .bashrc file. then it shows these lines: Errordetected while process...
    centos - Can't open syntax.vim error when using vimrc - ...